Sorry about the radio silence for the last week. Things have been cray-cray around here. As you know, I finished my shawl for the games but I’ve come up short on finishing my socks. I underestimated the power of teething and didn’t have a chance to pick up my needles as often as I would have liked. I’m not too bummed, I made good progress and I’m almost to the heel.
I will try to knit during the closing ceremonies, but who knows. Every evening has been an adventure.
Along with the Spawnbeast teething, I’m getting into this new chapter of my life. I usually try to leave subjects that don’t revolve around craftiness and cooking off the blog, but some very kind followers have asked so I will divulge.
Things have been good. Different, but good. I seem to find myself in a “new groove” every few weeks. Spawnbeast has weaned, so I find I have a little more free time. Although, this free time has been taken up by the new routine of bottle washing and the experimentation of solid foods. I am very glad I made a bunch of food ahead of time.
On the career front, I’ve gotten much more comfortable with the idea of stepping away. It took some adjustment, but for me, I feel like I’m doing the right thing. It helps that I’m not just doing the mom thing. I’ve actually started a few things that I never would have done before becoming a stay-at-home-mom (that was weird to type.) For one, I’m volunteering. I’ve always wanted to do something in the community but working always came first. The place I’m at is really great and they seem to need someone like me. I’m actually hoping my volunteer work will help me get into a new career in the future. I’ve also dipped my toes into selling Scentsy.
It’s win win. I get to be social and share stuff that I’ve enjoyed. When I wasn’t washing bottles and reading pop-up books, I’ve been hosting/planning a few parties and organizing my business. I’m not a sales person, in fact I was hesitant to do anything like this because I hate the idea of asking people to buy stuff. Thankfully, I get to share my experience and get myself out there and it has been awesome so far. It actually has helped me reconnect with people I haven’t seen in forever because they go “you do what now?! OMG i love Scentsy!”
Enough about that, I also get asked about the dogs A LOT. They are doing great. They love the human puppy. It’s cold and we had a foot of snow, so that was an adventure. Both Enza and Quinn have adjusted really well to the new changes around here. Hopefully their funny antics will return to the blog soon.
Ok, I could be knitting instead of writing a small novel but I wanted to update you cool cats.
Stay tuned…