Lots to say today.
Yesterday was quite a day. I basically didn’t stop moving from the moment I woke up to the moment my head hit the pillow.
Dev and I loaded the car with the kiddos and all their accessories and we set off on an adventure. First we went to the yarn store (Hi Ann!!!) to get some yarn. I used a gift certificate so I didn’t break my Yarn diet. I went with some M.Tosh Dk in a colorway called “Whiskey Barrel”
It will be a sweater but who knows when I’ll cast on. For now, I shall love it and pet it and call it Yarn.
From the yarn store, Dev and I went on some recon. I’m not ready to share all the details, but we have a super exciting project coming up. It’s fiber related and it’s for a very good cause. Here’s a few shots from the location:
Keep your eyes peeled for more on this project later! The rest of the day was filled with more running around, going to knitting night and sorting through my latest Scentsy orders. So much to do, so little time.
I’ll leave you with a quickie FO. I knit these on Monday after a friend messaged me to say she needed a new pair. I haven’t done “commission” work in years and thankfully my mother was over handling the Spawnbeast.
In exchange for the soakers, she is giving me a box of fresh veggie from her farm. So excited for that!
Okay, time to return to mom duties!
Stay tuned…